Lickey Church with St. Catherine’s, Blackwell  |  A Light on the Lickeys


This is a temporary website for the churches of

Holy Trinity, Lickey and St. Catherine’s, Blackwell.

This hopefully gives you some of the basic information you might need but if you need more please do contact us.

Where are we?

Our churches can be found at these locations...

Lickey Church, Top of Rose Hill, Lickey, Birmingham B45 8RR
(click here for a map)

St. Catherine’s, St. Catherine’s Road, Blackwell, Bromsgrove B60 1BN
(click here for a map)

Trinity Centre, Lickey Parish Hall, 411 Old Birmingham Road, Lickey B45 8ES
(click here for a map)

How can I get in touch with you?

Whether it’s about a baptism, wedding or a more general enquiry we want to

hear from you. There are lots of people involved in our churches but you might

like to try these people first and they’ll point you in the right direction if you

need to speak with someone else...


Rev’d Margaret Brighton

Vicarage Office

0121 445 6781

Church Secretary:
Sandra Smith

0121 445 1425

The Parish Office is open Mon-Thu mornings.

For information about, or to make a booking for, the Trinity Centre contact the Parish Office.

At out-of-office times you will find an answer machine. Please be assured that your message is

really important to us and will be dealt with as soon as possible.

What are the times of your regular services?

We are a large group of people and offer a wide variety of services and activities.

The below gives you a rough idea of what a ‘normal’ Sunday looks like...


Holy Communion

at Lickey Church


Holy Communion, All-age Service or Morning Worship

at St. Catherine’s


Holy Communion, All-age Service or Morning Worship

at Lickey Church



at St. Michael’s, Cofton Hackett

If you’d like the most up-to-date notices sent to you as an email please click here.

Talk to us!

Let us know if you’re using this website and what you think we should include in it.

Click here to email us.